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Alphabetical index
1986 in literature
See also:
1985 in literature
other events of 1986
1987 in literature
list of years in literature
Table of contents
1 Events
2 New Books
3 Births
4 Deaths
5 Awards
New Books
The Bourne Supremacy
Robert Ludlum
Cadillac Desert
- Marc Reisner
The Fence Post Chronicles
W.P. Kinsella
The Fisher King
Anthony Powell
Piers Anthony
The Golden Cup
- Belva Plain
Hollywood Husbands
- Jackie Collins
I'll Take Manhattan
- Judith Krantz
In the Hollow of His Hand
- James Purdy
It (novel)
Stephen King
Kara Kush
Idries Shah
Last of the Breed
Louis L'Amour
The Light Fantastic
Terry Pratchett
Love You Forever
Robert Munsch
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
- Richard Rhodes
A Matter of Honour
Jeffrey Archer
The Old Devils
Kingsley Amis
A Perfect Spy
John le Carr�
The Prince of Tides
- Pat Conroy
Red Storm Rising
Tom Clancy
Richard Ford
Danielle Steel
James Clavell
Women of the Left Bank: Paris 1900-1940
- Shari Benstock
January 24
L. Ron Hubbard
science fiction
writer, founder of
February 26
Robert Penn Warren
, poet, author
March 4
Elizabeth Smart
, Canadian poet and novelist
May 15
Theodore H. White
, writer
June 14
Jorge Luis Borges
August 20
Milton Acorn
poet, writer, and playwright
Booker Prize
Kingsley Amis
The Old Devils
1986 Governor General's Awards
for a complete list of winners and finalists for those awards.
Nebula Award
Orson Scott Card
Speaker For the Dead
Newbery Medal
children's literature
: Patricia MacLachlan,
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Nobel Prize for Literature
Wole Soyinka
Prix Goncourt
: Michel Host ,
Valet de nuit
Prix M�dicis
French: Pierre Combescot,
Les Fun�railles de la Sardine
Prix M�dicis
International: John Hawkes,
Aventures dans le commerce des peaux en Alaska
Pulitzer Prize for Drama
no award given
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
Larry McMurtry
Lonesome Dove
Pulitzer Prize for Poetry
Henry Taylor
The Flying Change
Whitbread Best Book Award:
Kazuo Ishiguro
An Artist of the Floating World