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8-Bit Theater

8-Bit Theatre is a sprite comic created by Brian Clevinger based on the game Final Fantasy by Squaresoft. The comic was launched on 2nd March, 2001.


In general the art in the comic is taken from the game Final Fantasy, particularly the characters and most of the foreground scenery. However some backgrounds and objects are taken from different sources. The comic author has previously stated that most are obtained from the search engine Google. All editing of the sprites, backgrounds and addition of word balloons and text is performed in Adobe Photoshop.


The events in 8-Bit Theater revolve around 4 central characters and a number of minor ones. The main characters comprise of Fighter McWarrior (an imbecilic warrior with a fixation on swords), Black Mage Evilwizardington (A slightly maniacal, power hungry, murderous wizard), Thief Elf (a skilled thief and lawyer who happens to be Prince of Elfland) and Red Mage (second name undisclosed, a character who prizes versatility over everything else and makes repeated references to Dungeons & Dragons). These characters are quite obviously ridiculously exaggerated RPG stereotypes. The main characters are also backed up by a number of supporting characters including White Mage, Black Belt, Garland, D'rizzt, Evil Princess Sara, Bikke, Mayatona and the Vampire.

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