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Aaronic Order

The Aaronic Order is a Latter Day Saint church founded in 1942 by Maurice L. Glendenning. A former member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Glendenning was excommunicated by that church for publishing a set of revelations called the Levitical Writings. The Church claims to have about 2000 members throughout the United States. In 1956, the church established a communal settlement called EskDale, Utah.

The church gives its mission statement as: "To participate in and hasten the preparation of the Body of Jesus Christ for His second coming." It's vision statement is to: "Restore the Biblical, Levitical ministry to its prophesied fulness in Jesus Christ and to reconcile individuals, families, and fellowships to their places in the Body of Christ."

External References

  1. Maurice L. Glendenning, Levitical Writings
  2. "Basic Beliefs of the Aaronic Order" (pamphlet available from Aaronic Order, PO Box 57095, Murray UT 84157-0095)