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Achewood is an online comic strip created by Chris Onstad. It portrays the lives of a collection of toys and pets. Many of the characters live together in the apartment of their owner, Chris, at 62 Achewood Court. The events of the strip take place in, around and sometimes very far from this apartment - in one case, as far away as the moon.

According to the official website, "Achewood" was used by slaves during the United States of America antebellum in the production of "achewater", a now outlawed Southern drink with psychadelic properties.

[This explanation of the etymology of "achewater" is pure fabrication by Mr. Onstad.]


The first Achewood strip was released on October 1, 2001, entitled "Philippe is standing on it". In this strip, Mr Bear and Téodor are discussing the failure on the part of Téodor of using a drum machine. Mr Bear informs Téodor that there is an instruction manual. However, Philippe is standing on it.

This bizarre humour is typical of many Achewood strips, especially with the use of visual comedy. However, there are also many developed storylines and a wealth of dialogical humour.


Mr Bear



Phillippe is a naïve, mentally handicapped, otter resident of the apartment. Highlights of his appearances on the strip include his questions and subsequent heartbreak in regards to what the "saddest thing" is; various gadgets given to him by his mother which inform listeners that, "Here comes a special boy." and a tragic marriage to a flower. He has recently had an incident with Nice Pete taking him to the Super Secret Icecream Store - with Phillipe being so afraid, stealing the van they drove in from Pete and escaping.


Ray is a
cat with expertise in such fields as cookery, alcohol and women. His best friend is Roast Beef, and many strips have concentrated on their relationship. Ray writes the advice column "Ray's Place" on the Achewood site, though there is a disclaimer at the bottom warning that the advice is in fact from a cartoon cat.

Roast Beef

Roast Beef, a cat, (in reality, Cassandra - Roast Beef was born intersexed), is interested in programming and has a girlfriend Molly in heaven, which he has visited twice.

Roast Beef has also been to the moon.


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