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Aeron chair

The Aeron chair is a product of Herman Miller, designed in 1994 by Don Chadwick and Bill Stumpf. It is an ergonomic chair which is expensive but which many regard as extremely comfortable. The chair became an unintended symbol of the rise and fall of the dot-com.

The chair is not upholstered. Instead, the seat and back are made of a strong but semi-transparent and flexible metal mesh called a pellicle.

There have been numerous lower priced copies made by other manufacturers, so the only real way to be sure you have an Aeron in front of you is to look at the label.

The Aeron is sold in three sizes and with several options. The sizes are A B and C for Small, Medium and Large respectively. If you are not sure of the size of an Aeron chair, feel under the upturned "lip" on the back of the chair -- the number of raised dots corresponds to the size. This is an example to the kind of design touch that sets Herman Miller apart. Aerons can be ordered with different numbers of adjustments, colors and wheel types.

See also: Design classic

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