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In Greek mythology, Andromache was the wife of Hector and son of Eetion. During the Trojan War, Hector was killed by Achilles and Neoptolemus, Achilles' son, took her as a concubine and Hector's brother, Helenus, as a slave. When Neoptolemus died, Andromache married Helenus and became Queen of Epirus.

With Hector, Andromache had a son named Astyanax. With Neoptolemus, she mothered Molossus and Olympias.

Homer. Iliad VI, 390-430; Apollodorus. Bibliotheke III, xii, 6; Apollodorus. Epitome V, 23; VI, 12; Euripides. Andromache; Virgil. Aeneid III,294-355.\n