While there is a network of such groups, they do not constitute a homogeneous movement. Opposition to fascism, racism and nationalism is often only the lowest common denominator on which the various groups and even members of particular groups can unite.
The struggle against fascism, racism and nationalism is usually associated with some broader view that holds current society or aspects of it responsible for them and therefore seeks radical social change. Depending on the particular view the ultimate goals may be quite different. Nontheless, antifa groups most often treat capitalism as the cause of fascism, sexism, heterosexism and so on as further forms of oppression, and communism or anarchy as desirable forms of society viewed as inherently free of fascism, nationalism and racism.
Antifa means include research, public information or propaganda, and demonstrations that typically take the form of counter-demonstrations or target particular right-wing businesses, clubs and hang-outs. Members of antifa groups frequently attack persons and property associated with right-wing groups, but normally the attacks are only loosely connected with any particular antifa organization.