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Arduin is a mythical Role-playing game world created by the late David A. Hargrave beginning in the mid to late 1970s. Hargrave's ideas included aspects of high fantasy, science fiction and horror, and became so popular that Hargrave was inspired to publish his material. Initially self-published, his early world of Arduin works were later published by Grimoire Games.
Card stock items also published by Grimoire Games
- Monsters from Arduin (24 monster cards)
- Magic Weapons from Arduin (24 weapon cards)
- Magic Artifacts from Arduin (24 Artifact cards)
- Arduin Treasure Pack (a combination of the three items above). NOTE: This collection of cards is now available through the new publisher, Emperor's Choice Games and Miniatures).
- Arduin Character Pak (illustrated character sheets). Also is listed as "Arduin *Character Sheets Combined Pack" elsewhere. This is a set of 24 character sheets for different Arduin races / character classes. Each sheet has a unique illustration.
Arduin Dungeons
- Arduin Dungeon No. 1: Caliban (mid level adventure)
- Arduin Dungeon No. 2: The Howling Tower (low-level adventure)
- Arduin Dungeon No. 3: The Citadel of Thunder
- Arduin Dungeon No. 4: Death Heart (wilderness and dungeon adventures)
- The Arduin Adventure. Arduin introductory boxed set, with the Arduin Adventure book (which also was available separately), plus a few sheets of magical items, three character sheets and 2 d20.
- Revised Arduin: A Primer - by David A. Hargrave, copyright 1984. It is a short (11 page) booklet that outlines the "battle factor" system featured in Compleat Arduin. 8008 - The Compleat Arduin: Book 1 Rules 8016 - The Compleat Arduin: Book 2 Resources
- Arduin, Vols. 4 through 8 from Dragon Tree Press: The Lost Grimoire (Arduin Grimoire Volume IV), Dark Dreams (Arduin Grimoire Volume V), The House of the Rising Sun (Arduin Grimoire Volume VI), Shadow Lands (Arduin Grimoire Volume VII), Winds of Chance (Arduin Grimoire Volume VIII)
- Arduin, Vol. 9 from Emperor's Choice: End War (Arduin Grimoire Volume IX)
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