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Augsburg (district)

Adm. Region:Swabia
Area:1071 km²
Inhabitants:238,100 (2002)
pop. density:220 inh./km²
Car identification:A

Augsburg is a district in Bavaria, Germany. It is bounded by (from the east and clockwise) the city of Augsburg and the districts of Aichach-Friedberg, Landsberg, Ostallg�u, Unterallg�u, G�nzburg, Dillingen and Donau-Ries. The city of Augsburg is not part of the district, but nonetheless its administrative seat.

Table of contents
1 History
2 Geography
3 Coat of arms
4 Towns and municipalities
5 External links


In Roman times the Via Claudia connected the city of Augsburg and Italy. In 233 the Alamanni broke through the Limes, and the Roman rule over Swabia was ended. During the time of the Holy Roman Empire Augsburg was a bishopric principality. The city and the adjoining regions became subordinate to Bavaria after the Napoleonic Wars.

The district of Augsburg was established in 1972 by merging the former districts of Augsburg and Schwabm�nchen and parts of other adjoining districts.


The district comprises a large area west of the city of Augsburg. 90 % are located in the nature park Augsburg-Western Forests, which is a hilly region covered with forests. It is sparsely populated and crisscrossed by brooks, flowing either eastwards to the Lech or northwards to the Danube. The Lech forms the eastern border of the district.

The five cities (see below) are all situated in the easternmost part of the district, mainly in the vicinity of Augsburg. The western forest region consists of small villages.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms displays:
  • top: the red and white colours of Augsburg
  • bottom left: the cross from the arms of the former district of Schwabm�nchen
  • bottom right: the family arms of the Fugger

Towns and municipalities

  1. Bobingen
  2. Gersthofen
  3. K�nigsbrunn
  4. Neus��
  5. Schwabm�nchen
    Municipalities (Selection)
  1. Allmanshofen
  2. Aystetten
  3. Biberbach
  4. Bonstetten
  5. Diedorf
  6. Dinkelscherben
  7. Ehingen
  8. Ellgau
  9. Fischach
  10. Gessertshausen
  11. Graben
  12. Gro�aitingen
  13. Klosterlechfeld
  1. Kutzenhausen
  2. Langenneufnach
  3. Meitingen
  4. Mickhausen
  5. Nordendorf
  6. Oberottmarshausen
  7. Stadtbergen
  8. Thierhaupten
  9. Untermeitingen
  10. Wehringen
  11. Welden
  12. Westendorf
  13. Zusmarshausen

External links

Official website (German)
Augsburg/Western Forests Nature Park (German)\n