Australian Greens Party
Australian Greens is the national
Greens party in
Australia. It was formed as a coalition of the various state Greens parties, although the Greens (Western Australia) preserved a separate identity for some time. At the federal level there are two Greens in the
Australian Senate (Senators
Bob Brown and Kerry Nettle) and one MP in the
Australian House of Representatives (Michael Organ), who was elected at a by-election in
2002. Currently there are Green members in the parliaments of
New South Wales (2),
Western Australia (5),
Tasmania (4) and the
Australian Capital Territory (2).
On 23 October 2003 Brown and Nettle were suspended from the Parliament for 24 hours when they interjected during an address by the visiting President of the United States, George W. Bush.
External Links
- Aus Greens Home page
- State Green Sites
- Bob Brown suspended over blackmail barb
- Bob Brown's Senate Page