The Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia (Michael Black)
The President of the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission (Sir John Moore)
The Chief Justice of a State within his own State
Chief Justices of States in order of appointment:
Chief Justice of Western Australia (David Kingsley)
Chief Justice of Tasmania (William Cox)
Chief Justice of South Australia (John Doyle)
Chief Justice of Queensland (M. A. McMurdo)
Chief Justice of New South Wales (James Spigelman)
(Acting) Chief Justice of Victoria (John Winneke)
Privy Counsellors
The Chief of the Defence Force (General Peter Cosgrove)
Chief Judges of Federal Courts in order of appointment
Members of Parliament
Judges of Federal Courts and Deputy Presidents of the Australian Concilation and Arbitration Commission in order of appointment
Lord Mayors of Cities in order of city populations:
Lord Mayor of Sydney (Lucy Turnbull)
Lord Mayor of Melbourne (John So)
Lord Mayor of Brisbane (Tim Quinn)
Lord Mayor of Perth (Dr Peter Natrtrass)
Lord Mayor of Adelaide (Michael Harbison)
Lord Mayor of Hobart (Rob Valentine)
Presiding officers of State or Territory Legislatures within their own states or Territories in order of appointment
Presiding officers of State Legislatures in order of appointment
Presiding officer of the Northern Territory Legislature
Presiding officer of the Norfolk Island Legislature
Members of State or Northern Territory Executive Councils within their own state or Territory in order of appointment
Members of State Executive Councils in order of appointment
Members of the Northern Territory Executive Council in order of appointment
The Leader of the Opposition of State or Territory Legislatures within his own state or Territory
Leaders of the Opposition of State Legislatures in order of state populations
Leader of the Opposition of the Northern Territory Legislature
Judges of State Supreme Courts in order of appointment
Members of State or Territory Legislatures within their own states or Territories
Members of State Legislatures in order of state populations
Members of the Northern Territory Legislature
Members of the Norfolk Island Legislature
Chiefs of the Naval, Air, and General Staffs in order of appointment
Recipients of Decorations or Honours from the Sovereign
The Location of Officials matters for precedence; an official enjoys different precedence within and without his state.
The recipients of Decorations or Honours gain precedence in the order of Seniority or Superiority of the Orders themselves; the Orders of Knighthood in Australia have the same seniority as in the United Kingdom, with a few insertions or promotions of entirely Australian, non-British honours.