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Bambi, ein Leben im Walde (Bambi, a life in the woods) is a book by Felix Salten, first printed in 1923. Bambi is the name of the main character who is a small deer.

Felix Salten was the pen-name of Siegmund Salzmann, who was born in Budapest [1] but grew up in Vienna. The story was made into an animated film by the Walt Disney organisation in 1942.

The film has often been criticized for giving several generation of children what many believe to be an unrealistic view of nature. In particular, the film portrays hunters in a very bad light and reflects the orthodoxy of its time, which has later been questioned, that forest fires are always bad.

See also: Smokey the Bear


Bambi, the Austrian deer, article by Paul A. Schons published in Kulturecke by the Germanic-American Institute, September, 2000