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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Order: Multituberculata
Family: Kogaionidae
Genus: Barbatodon
  B. transylvanicum


Barbatodon is a mammal genus from the Upper Cretaceous of Romania. It lived in Transylvania at the same time as some of the last dinosaurs and was a member of the extinct order of Multituberculata.
For those of a technical inclination, it's within the Suborder of Cimolodonta, and the family Kogaionidae.

Genus: Barbatodon Rãdulescu R & Samson P, 1986

Species: Barbatodon transylvanicum Rãdulescu R & Samson P, 1986
Place: Sinpetru Beds, Hateg Formation
Country: Romania
Age: Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous
Remarks: "Based on comparisons with the m1s from Vãlioara, the holotype of Barbatodon is regarded as a kogaionid m1," (Csiki Z & Grigorescu D, 2001, Fossil mammals from the Maastrichtian of the Hateg Basin, Romania, 6th European Workshop on Vertebrate Palaeontology - Florence and Montevarchi (Italy) - September 19-22, 2001, p.26). (Kielan-Jaworowska & Hurum 2001, had it placed tentatively in the informal Paracimexomys group).
Most of Europe was covered by shallow seas during the Upper Cretaceous, which makes remains of terrestrial animals extremely rare. This location is one of the exceptions and the diversity of material is impressive.
Reference: Rãdulescu & Samson (1986), Précisions sur les affinités des Multituberculés du Crétacé supérieur de Roumaine. C R Acad Sci II: Mec-Phys, Chim, Sci Terre, Sci Univ 303p, p.1825-1830.

Page reference: Kielan-Jaworowska Z & Hurum JH (2001), Phylogeny and Systematics of multituberculate mammals. Paleontology 44, p.389-429.

(This information has been derived from [1] MESOZOIC MAMMALS; 'basal' Cimolodonta, Cimolomyidae, Boffiidae and Kogaionidae, an internet directory. As that's my webpage, there are no issues of copyright. Trevor Dykes)