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Bergamot Orange (Citrus bergamia or Citrus aurantium (bitter orange) ssp. bergamia) is a citrus fruit, small and roughly pear shaped. It is sour and its aromatic peel is used to produce oil of bergamot, which is used in Earl Grey tea. The fruit, produced in Italy, is a cross between the pear lemon and the Seville orange or grapefruit.

Bergamot (Monarda didyma) is a North American aromatic herb also known as Scarlet Monarda, Oswego Tea, or Bee Balm. Its name is derived from its odour which is considered similar to that of the orange. The scientific name comes from Nicolas Monardes who wrote the first American flora in 1569. The name "Oswego Tea" comes from the Oswego Indians who taught the immigrants how to use it for tea after the Boston tea party in 1773.