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Biosophy is a term founded by writer and philosopher Peter Wessel Zapffe (1899-1990), who used biology as the foundation of his philosophy. Zapffe first set out his ideas in Den sidste Messias (en. The Last Messiah) (1933); later a more systematic defence was given in his philosophical treatise Om det tragiske (en. On the tragic) (1941).

Zapffe's arguments have been understood in relation to philosophical pessimism and existentialism; he is also sometimes regarded as a nihilist.

The Biosophy Program was presented on the Internet by Anna Öhman & Svenolov Lindgren in January 1998 (]. They noted that "the term biosophy was previously used by Zapffe (1941) in a literary context for the analysis of human social life based on philosophy of existence and biological facts. Such a narrow circumscription of biosophy is in our opinion no obstacle to widen the definition to encompass all systematic thinking on biological issues."

The Biosophy Program was intended to circumscribe and systemize biological studies in a philosophical framework to support teaching at courses on philosophy and courses on biology. The biosophical thinking is defined by Öhman & Lindgren in five philosophical fields and discriminated from Næss’ ecosophy.

In 1995, J Park (, independently defined the concept of biosophy as the top level philosophy of the biological universe ( ) Biosophy is the replacement of all the high level knowledge system such as philosophy, science and religion. However, biosophy is mainly a theoretical body of information architecture. For 3D representation of information such as humans as we perceive, Biomatics ( ) functions as the main system. Biomatics perceives everthing in the universe as information object and it analyses and engineers the biouniverse. -- J Park, 20030911 --

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