De la Patria, el alto nombre
En glorioso esplendor conservemos
Y en sus aras de nuevo juremos
�morir antes que esclavos vivir!
�morir antes que esclavos vivir!
�morir antes que esclavos vivir!
Aqui alz� la justicia su trono,
Que la vil opresi�n desconoca.
Y este timbre glorioso leg�se.
Libertad! Libertad! Libertad!
Que los hijos del grande Bol�var
Han ya mil y mil veces jurado,
Morir antes que ver humillado
De la Patria el augusto pend�n.
Loor eterno a los bravos guerreros,
Cuyo hero�co valor y firmeza,
Conquistaron las glorias que empieza
Hoy Bolivia feliz a gozar.
Que sus nombres el m�rmol y el bronce
A remotas edades transmitan
y en sonoros cantares repitan:
Nuestros hijos y nietos a par.
We have kept the lofty name of our country
In glorious splendour,
And on its altars we once more swear
To die, rather than live as slaves.
To die, rather than live as slaves.
To die, rather than live as slaves.
This innocent and beautiful land,
Which owes its name to Bolivar,
Is the happy homeland where men
Enjoy the benefits of good fortune and peace.
For the sons of the great Bolivar
Have sworn, thousands upon thousands of times,
To die rather than see the country's
Majestic flag humiliated.
Eternal praise to the brave warriors
Whose heroic valour and firmness
Conquered the glories that now
A happy Bolivia begins to enjoy!
Let their names, in marble and in bronze,
Transmit to remote ages
And in resounding song repeat the call:
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!