Syllables with the vowel "a" are represented by L shapes. Those with the vowel "e" are hook-ended, approximately shaped like a "J." (However, a smaller version of the same shape represents an extra consonant without a vowel.) Most of the syllables with the vowel "i" have a shape like the "a" series, except that the angle between the short tick and the long line is approximately 45° rather than 90°; there are a few "i" forms that do not fit the pattern (such as "is" and "it") because they are especially common, and some of the forms that might be expected to represent "i" plus a consonant have been turned to other purposes, such as the prefix "circum-." The syllables with the vowel "o" have circular ends, and those with "u" have hooks like those of the "e" series, but the main, longer part of the mark is curved, rather than straight.
Robert Boyd. (1903) Boyd's Syllabic Shorthand. Chicago Correspondence Schools.
Robert Boyd. (1912) Boyd Shorthand Instructor. Boyd Press.References