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British constitutional law

British constitutional law is an area of uncodified law and statutes that regulates relationship between, the power of, and the privileges of the monarchy, the houses of Parliament, the Scottish courts and the English courts system which include the common law courts, the courts of chancery, the ecclesiastical courts, the admiralty courts, as well as many other courts and administrative tribunals. While it is said that United Kingdom's constitution is unwritten, it is, in fact, partly made up of many documents including such well known texts as the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Statute of Westminster and the various Acts of Union.

However, it is not always evident how these documents interact as they encompass centuries of history. Also, much of British constitutional law relies upon the royal prerogatives, unwritten constitutional conventions and other customs; thus the constitutional law of Great Britain and countries that were once colonies of the British Empire may have to have be understood in the context of case law that throws perspective on these many elements.

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