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Burials in the Valley of the Kings

The following is a list of who is buried where in the Valley of the Kings and nearby areas.
(Missing entries indicate that the intended occupant of the tomb is unknown, or that the tomb is incomplete and was never used as a burial place.)

Table of contents
1 Original Burials
2 Mummy Caches
3 Further Reading
4 External Links

Original Burials

East Valley

West Valley

Deir el-Bahri

Mummy Caches

As the New Kingdom began to collapse, during the Rameseid period, tomb robbery became rife. There is some evidence to suggest that even the clergy were involved. Far from being pious, they decided to reopen the tombs of their god-kings to reuse the vast treasures that were buried with them, where they were of no use.

However, they were not entirely without scruples, for as the tombs were emptied, the occupants were moved to select "safe places", of which there are two notable examples.


This was originally the tomb of Amenhotep II. The following were discovered in the tomb:


This astounding cache, located in the cliffs overlooking
Hatshepsut's famous temple at Deir el-Bahri, was found to contain many of Egypt's most famous Pharaohs. They were found in a great state of disorder, many placed in other people's coffins, and several are still unidentified.

Further Reading

External Links