C. J. Cherryh is the slightly modified working name of author Caroline Janice Cherry (born September 1, 1942), the sister of artist David A.Cherry. She has written more than 50 science fiction and fantasy books since the mid-1970s, including the Hugo Award winning "Cyteen". She lives in the state of Washington, USA.
Writing Style
Cherry often uses a style she calls "very tight limited third person". In this writing style, not only is the story told through the point of view of the current viewpoint character, but the only things that get narrated are what the viewpoint character notices or thinks about. So, for instance, if a starship captain arrives at a space station, the narration won't mention what the space station looks like or how it operates, even though these things might be of interest to the reader, because these are details that the captain is already well familiar with, so he doesn't notice them or think about them. This writing style is sometimes like directly reading the mind of the viewpoint character, in which cases it strongly resembles stream of consciousness.
Required: dates for all listed books. Also, it looks like someone will have to write an article for every single book listed! Anyone?
The Alliance-Union Universe
The Company Wars
The Era of Rapprochement
The Chanur Novels
The Mri Wars
Merovingen Nights (Mri Wars Period)
The Age of Exploration
The Hanan Rebellion
The Morgaine Cycle
The Foreigner Universe
Miscellaneous science-fiction
Fantasy Works
The Fortress Series
External links