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California State University, Northridge

A state-funded university in Northridge, California, part of the California State University System, formerly the San Fernando Valley State College.

Table of contents
1 Orange grove
2 Northridge earthquake
3 CSUN sculpture
4 Traditional festivities
5 External links

Orange grove

One of the few remaining orange groves in the San Fernando Valley is found on campus. The large eucalyptus trees at the edge of the campus have survived development attempts by campus designers.

Northridge earthquake

This campus was heavily damaged by the 1994 earthquake, including entire sections of the main library, art building, etc., but classes continued in alternative structures. The art courtyard survived.

CSUN sculpture

Travellers approaching the campus from the east,(via the
San Diego (405) Freeway, for example) will see an abstract sculpture at the edge of the orange grove at the southeastern corner of the campus, which can be read from several directions as an acronym for the university.

Traditional festivities

Native Americans have used the campus to converge on for ceremonies, on a yearly basis.

The Drama department celebrates year-end by staging the local version of Yosemite's Bracebridge Dinner.

External links

School website: