Carina | |
Abbreviation | Car |
Genitive | Carinae |
Meaning in English | the Keel (of the Argo Navis) |
Right ascension | 9 h |
Declination | -60° |
Visible to latitude | Between ??° and ??° |
Best visible | ?? |
Area - Total | Ranked 34th 494 sq. deg. |
Number of stars with apparent magnitude < 3 | 5 |
Brightest star - Apparent magnitude | Canopus (α Car) -0.7 |
Meteor showers |
\'Bordering constellations' |
Carina (the keel) is a southern constellation which forms part of the old constellation of Argo Navis. It contains Canopus, the second brightest star in the night sky, and the supermassive star eta Carinae.