Applying the technique
The technique is recommended mostly for toddlers and upwards. For an older child, the parent is advised to explain what kind of behavior will result in a time-out and also write down those rules. When implementing the time-out, it is suggested that no arguing should be allowed -- that may work counter to the idea behind the time-out, which is to allow the child to calm down. Time-outs are not recommended for frequent use, but since they are a considered a mild form of discipline they are sometimes not taken as a last resort.
The following guidelines are usually given for time-outs:
- Decide what type of behavior warrants a time-out, and try to enforce this fairly and consistently. All adults involved with the child should follow similar guidelines when using a time-out.
- Designate a corner or similar space where the child is to stand during time-outs. Never use their bed.
- Use an age appropriate time length for the time-out. For a short time-out, approximately one minute per year of age is reasonable; that time may be doubled if necessary if the child pushes their limits during the time-out.
- Have an incentive for completing the time-out without arguing. This may for instance be a loss of a privilege until the time-out has been completed.
- The time-out should always have verbal warnings before the discipline to allow the child to make appropriate choices. If their "bad" behavior continues, they should have an explanation for the time-out as they are being escorted to that area. Even one-year olds understand when they have reached their parental limit, but the explanations should be age appropriate.
- Afterwards both the parent and the child should try to leave the incident behind.
Some of those in favor of spanking have argued that time-outs are ineffective. Others argue that it should be seen as a complement rather than as an alternative to spanking. For instance, a spanking may be followed by a time-out.
Remember that to discipline means to teach. No disciplinary technique should be used without the child understanding why the behavior was unacceptable and what behavior is acceptable.