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The Christadelphians are a Christian denomination, in the inclusivist sense. However, they prefer to avoid being called Christian in order to draw a distinction between themselves and the majority of Christians, since many of their views are different.

The Christadelphians were founded in the 19th century by John Thomas, and the name comes from the Greek meaning "Brothers [and Sisters] in Christ".

Table of contents
1 Authority
2 Beliefs
3 External links
4 See also


Christadelphians believe that the Bible is the only source of knowledge concerning God and his purpose with the earth and with mankind, that it was wholly given by inspiration of God in the writers (II Tim 3:16), and is consequently without error, except such as may be due to errors of transcription or translation.

They therefore reject tradition, human organisations and human leaders as having any authority concerning the things of God (Isa 8:20).

Nevertheless, they do believe that the authority of rulers and political leaders should be respected and adhered to as far as they do not require action in direct contradiction of the teachings of the Bible (Rom 13:1-2, Mark 12:17).


Their belief in the Bible, along with a desire to return to the beliefs held by Christ and his followers in the 1st century lead them to hold the following beliefs:

They reject the doctrine of the immortal soul as unscriptural, rather asserting that all men return to the dust from which they were created (Eccl 12v7) when they die. They also absolutely reject the doctrine of the Trinity on the same basis.

It is their view that the teachings of the Bible have been perverted by mainstream Christianity. They do not believe in tradition, but make a point of deriving everything from the holy scriptures. Every member is expected to study the scriptures for himself.

Most male members are eligible to teach and perform other duties, and these are usually assigned on a rotation, rather than having a designated preacher or minister. Governance is handled with a democratic model, typically with an elected board.

There are different roles for men and women. Women are not eligible for the elected offices or to lead the services. They are allowed to participate in all discussions, to teach the children, and do most other activities. They do not however believe that women are inferior.

In attempting to get back to the original teachings of the Bible, Christadelphians take issue with a number of standard Christian doctrines.

They do not believe in a fallen-angel devil or Satan, looking instead at the literal meaning of the words. Depending on context, the word "Satan" can refer to human (sin-prone) nature, or to some specific adversary.

There are a few different "fellowships" in the Christadelphian faith; the Amended Christadelphians, the Unamended Christadelphians, and the Berean Christadelphians. Contact between these groups is limited, though various reunion efforts have been tried.

Christadelphians can be primarily found in the United States, England, and Australia. Ecclesias are small compared to the major denominations, ranging in size from a few families to a few hundred members at most. Most ecclesias have fewer than one hundred members. Membership is growing rapidly in the non-English-speaking world, particularly Africa, India and Eastern Europe.

External links

See also