The Clans
Clan Blood Spirit
Clan Burrock
No longer in existence.
Clan Cloud Cobra
Clan Coyote
Clan Diamond Shark
Clan Fire Mandrill
Clan Ghost Bear
Clan Goliath Scorpion
Clan Hell's Horse
Clan Ice Hellion
Clan Jade Falcon
Clan Jade Wolf
A temporary Clan, in existence a short time, when Clan Wolf was nearly absorbed into Clan Jade Falcon.
Clan Mongoose
No longer in existence.
Clan Nova Cat
Clan Sea Fox
No longer in existence.
Clan Smoke Jaguar
No longer in existence.
Clan Smoke Jaguar was exterminated by a task force sent from the Inner Sphere to halt the Clan Invasion
This period of BattleTech history is the background story of the computer game MechWarrior 3.
Clan Snow Raven
Clan Star Adder
Clan Steel Viper
Clan Widowmaker
No longer in existence.
Clan Wolf
Clan Wolverine
No longer in existence.Culture
All of the Clans see warriors as the perfection of humanity. All goals in the Clans are focused upon making themselves better warriors. Clan warriors are not born, but instead created in-vitero.
Such Trueborn as considered superior to the Freeborn of more natural origins.
The Clans disdain the use of contractions. That is, abbreviating "Can not" to "Can't" and similar practices. They consider the use of such an example of how decadent the Inner Sphere has become.
They also have their own dialect, consisting primarily of ritual words and phrases:
;"Aff": "Affirmative"
;"Neg": "Negative"
;"Quiaff": ("Query-Affirmative"?) Used to ask a rhetorical question, with the expectation of an "Aff"irmative answer.
;"Quineg": ("Query-Negative"?) Used to ask a rhetorical question, with the expectation of a "Neg"ative answer.
;"Trueborn": Someone who was born artificially, with their genes tailored towards being a better warrior. Often with a lineage of past warriors.
;"Freeborn": Someone born naturally, of random parents.
;"Freebirth": An epithet or curse. A rude way of saying "Freeborn".
;"Seyla": A word uttered only in the most sacred and respective of manners. The origin is unknown, but it works like "Amen"