Concepts and Goals of Constitution
Concepts and Goals of Constitution
- December 2003: EU leaders assembled in Brussel were unable finalise the Draft of Constitution prepared by IGC.While apparent reason was the row about the QMV both small and large states have issues with the current version.
Here is critique of issues, which surfaced after the failure:
For example, the 'digressive voting weights'
for election of parlament are not defined. Setting such rules is
one of basic functions of a constitution. While a
[ specific function was
proposed] it did not made into the final draft.
- Obtuse language, which nobody understands, such as Article III-6, which says:
"Without prejudice to Articles III-55, III-56 and III-136, and given the place occupied by services of general economic
interest as services to which all in the Union attribute value as well as their role in promoting social and territorial
cohesion, the Union and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of
the Constitution, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions, in particular
economic and financial, which enable them to fulfil their missions. European laws shall define these principles and