Constipation is a condition of the
digestive system where a person (or other animal) experiences difficulty in eliminating
Some of the main causes of constipation include:
- Constriction, where part of the intestine or rectum is narrowed or blocked, not allowing feces to move past
- Paralysis, where peristaltic action is diminished or absent, so that feces are not moved along
- Excessive drying of feces, forming a hard bulk that cannot be eliminated
- Insufficient intake of food or dietary fiber, so that a suitable bolus is not formed
- Psychosomatic constipation, based on anxiety or unfamiliarity with surroundings
These causes may have a multiplicity of causes themselves.
People often take laxatives to try to eliminate constipation.
Screaming Jay Hawkins wrote and sang "Constipation Blues" while suffering a serious bout. The Bonzo Dog Band recorded "The Strain" on the same subject.