The Coquille groups included the Upper Coquille (Mishikwutinetunne), Upper Umpqua, Kwatami, Shasta Costa, Chetco, Tolowa, Dakubetede (Applegate), and Tututni. Tututni subtribes include the Yukichetunne, Tututni, Mikonotunne, Chemetunne, Chetleshin, Kwaishtunnetunne, and Taltushtuntede (Galice).
The Coquille language is an extinct language classified as part of the Tolowa-Galice branch of the Oregon Coast indigenous languages. The lifestyle of the Coquille, like many Northwest Coast tribes, involved fishing and collecting of shellfish.
The Coquille nation has a cranberry growing operation in North Bend, Oregon.