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Cost of Living

"Cost of Living" is the name of a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, from the fifth season. Its episode number is 220, and it first aired on 20 April, 1992 (Paramount Pictures, n.d.).

The plot involved an external conflict between Worf and his son Alexander Rozhenko, regarding family responsibilities; Counselor Troi is called upon to moderate the argument (Fields & Kolbe, 1992).

Prominently featured in the episode was a visit by Lwaxana Troi and Alexander to the holodeck to run a program named "Parallax Colony" (A. J. Lutz, personal communication, December 11, 2003). This program is a "fantasy land," involving such fantastical characters as a smiling, multi-colored humanoid head inside a "floating" sphere; a juggler; a rotund humanoid noted for making such comments as "every moment has a purpose;" two "twins," each with large hairdos and a habit of constantly arguing (Fields & Kolbe, 1992).


See also

simple:Cost of Living