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Damon Knight

Damon Knight (September 19, 1922-April 15, 2002) was a science fiction author, editor, and critic.

His first story was published in 1941. He was a recipient of the Hugo Award, founder of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), cofounder of the Milford Writers' Conference, and cofounder of the Clarion Writers Workshop. Knight lived in Eugene, Oregon; with his wife Kate Wilhelm.

At that time of his first story, he was living in New York, and was a member of the Futurians. One of his short stories describes paranormal disruption of a science fiction fan group, and contains cameo appearances of various Futurians.

Writings of Damon Knight

External links: To the general public, he is best known as the author of "To Serve Man", which was adapted for The Twilight Zone.

See also: R. A. Lafferty and Gene Wolfe