Damselfish can refer to any of the following:
- The family Pomacentridae, comprising about 350 species of marine fish;
- All members of that family other than the Clownfishes
- One of a number of species belonging to the family Pomacentridae, most usually Chromis chromis. Many other species within the family have common names that include the word "damselfish", but in almost all cases this is qualified with an adjective or other descriptor.
The second of these senses is probably the most common. The average size of such a damselfish is around three inches. They all live in marine water and usually have bright colours. Some damselfish are able to adapt well in a average
aquarium, but some such as the White-spotted damselfish need to live in the actual sea water. Sometimes the fish can't breed in captivity. The diet of a damselfish can include small crustaceans,
plankton, and
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