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Dull day gecko

Dull day gecko
Scientific classification
Family: Gekkonidae
Subfamily: Gekkoninae
Genus: Phelsuma
Species: dubia
Binomial name
Phelsuma dubia

Table of contents
1 Scientific name:
2 Scientific synonyms:
3 Common name:
4 General introduction:
5 Description:
6 Distribution:
7 Habitat:
8 Diet:
9 Behaviour:
10 Reproduction:
11 Care and maintenance in captivity:
12 References:

Scientific name:

Phelsuma dubia (BOETTGER 1881)

Scientific synonyms:

Pachydactylus dubius BOETTGER 1881
Phelsuma dubia - KLUGE 1993
Phelsuma dubia - GLAW & VENCES 1994: 298
Phelsuma dubia - BROADLEY & HOWELL 1991: 10
Phelsuma dubia - RÖSLER 2000: 101

Common name:

Dull day gecko

General introduction:

This medium-sized diurnal gecko of about 15 cm lives on the western coast of Madagascar, in the Comoros, and the coast of East Africa. It typically inhabits trees and can also be found near human dwellings. The Dull day gecko feeds on insects and nectar.


This lizard belongs to the medium-sized day geckos. It can reach a maximum length of approximately 15 cm. The body colour varies between grayish green, grayish brown and bluish green. The tail may be bright blue. A rost-coloured stripe extends from the nostril to the eye. There is a red v-shaped stripe on the snout. On the back there often are brownish or red-brick coloured dots. A gray lateral stripe extends from the eye to the hind leg. The ventral side is off-white coloured. Juveniles have a light brown dorsal surface with little light blue spots. The tail of neonates is yellow.

Phelsuma dubia juvenile


This species inhabits the west coast of Madagascar in the general area of Majunga. It can also be found in the Comoros, in Zanzibar, and some coastal areas of mainland Tanzania.


P. dubia can easily adapt to different biotopes. These day geckos are often found on different trees and other lowland vegetation. They also inhabit buildings.


These day geckos feed on various insects and other invertebrates. They also like to lick soft, sweet fruit, pollen and nectar.


P. dubia often lives in small groups with one male and several females.


The females are egg gluers. They often lay their eggs in the same location as other females.

Care and maintenance in captivity:

These animals should be housed in pairs and need a medium sized terrarium. The temperature should be between 25 and 28°C. The humidity should be not too high. In captivity, these animals can be fed with crickets, wax moth, fruit flies, mealworms and houseflies.


Henkel, F.-W. and W. Schmidt (1995) Amphibien und Reptilien Madagaskars, der Maskarenen, Seychellen und Komoren. Ulmer Stuttgart. ISBN: 3-8001-7323-9
McKeown, Sean (1993) The general care and maintenance of day geckos. Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside CA.