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Elementary matrix transformations

Elementary matrix transformations or Elementary row and column transformations are linear transformations which are normally used in gauss elimination to solve a set of linear equations.

We distinguish three types of elementary transformations and their corresponding matrices:

  1. Row switching transformations,
  2. Row multiplying transformations,
  3. Linear combinator transformations.

Table of contents
1 1. Row switching transformations
2 2. Row multiplying transformations
3 3. Linear combinator transformations

1. Row switching transformations

This transformation, Tij, switches all matrix elements on row i with their counterparts on row j. The matrix resulting in this transformation is:


  • The inverse of this matrix is itself: Tij-1=Tij.
When applied to a matrix A: det[TA]=-det[A].
The matrix and it's inverse are lower triangular matrices.

2. Row multiplying transformations

This transformation, Ti(m), multiplies all elements on row i with m. The matrix resulting in this transformation is:


  • The inverse of this matrix is: Ti(m)-1=Ti(1/m).
When applied to a matrix A: det[TA]=mdet[A].
The matrix and it's inverse are lower triangular matrices.

3. Linear combinator transformations

This transformation, Tij(m), substracts row i multiplied by m from row j. The matrix resulting in this transformation is:


  • The inverse of this matrix is: Tij(m)-1=Tij(-m).
When applied to a matrix A: det[TA]=det[A].
The matrix and it's inverse are lower triangular matrices.

See also