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Elohim is a common name of diety in the Hebrew Bible. It is one of a group of kindred words, to which belong also El and Eloah.

Table of contents
1 Etymology
2 Elohim in Mormonism
3 Related articles


The etymology of the word Elohim is prehistoric, and therefore unknown. There are many theories, however, including the following: The form of the word Elohim, with the ending -im, is plural and masculine, but the construction is usually singular, i.e. it governs a singular verb or adjective, unless used of heathen divinities (Psalms 96:5; 97:7). There are two theories as to why the word is plural: While the words Elohim, Eloah, and El appear to be related, with the word El being the oldest, it is uncertain whethe the word Elohim is derived from El via Eloah. Moreover, the word Eloah is arguably feminine. If this is true, some have suggested that the word Elohim is the masculine plural of a feminine noun, used as a singular, which would imply indeterminacy in both number and gender. However, this is speculative.

Elohim in Mormonism

In Mormonism, the word Elohim (also spelled Eloheim) usually refers specifically to God the Father, as a distinct being from Jesus Christ, who is sometimes referred to as Jehovah (Yahweh), whom they consider to be the God of the Old Testament. See also: Godhead (Mormonism).

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