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In Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern-rite Catholic churches, and formerly in Latin-rite (i.e., Western) Catholic churches, the epiclesis (also sometimes spelled epiklesis, since it is a transiliterated Greek word) is that part of the prayer of consecration of the Eucharistic elements (bread and wine) in which the priest invokes the Holy Spirit. Eastern Orthodox theologians hold that the epiclesis is essential to the eucharist -- without it, the miraculous transubstantiation will not occur. Roman Catholics hold that it is not essential.

Epiclesis is a work by Juan Maria Solare for flute (Cologne, 25-30 September 1995) [4'30"]. First performed by Thomas Brögger at the Musikhochschule in Cologne on 26 January 1996. Performed by Thomas Brögger at the Städtischen Museum in Gelsenkirchen (Germany) on 28/FEB/1996. Second Honorific Mention in the First National Competition "Juan Carlos Paz", organized in 1996 by the Fondo Nacional de las Artes (National Endowment for the Arts) in Argentina (cathegory "piece for unaccompanied instrument"). Performed by Tatjana Morozov on May 27th 1998 at the auditorium "Freie Kammerspiele Köln", in Cologne (Germany). Northamerican first performance by Christine Perea on 15/FEB/2003 at the A.R.T./New York's South Oxford Space (Brooklyn, New York), in the frame of the project "Love and Loss" organized by Vox Novus and Birmingham Art Music Alliance.