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Flag of the Republic of China

Flag Ratio: 2:3

The Flag of the Republic of China is commonly but erronously identified as the Flag of Taiwan since Taiwan makes up most of the ROC's current juridiction. It is referred to as "Blue Sky, White Sun, and a Wholly Red Earth (青天、白日、滿地紅 in pinyin: qīng tīan, bái ŕ, măn d́ hóng)".

Table of contents
1 History
2 Symbolism
3 Uses


The canton originated from the "Blue Sky with a White Sun" Flag (青天白日旗 qīng tīan bái ŕ qí) designed by Lu Hao-tung in 1895 to represent the revolutionary army, and later became the Kuomintang party flag and coat of arms. The "red earth" portion was added by Sun Yat-sen in winter of 1906, bringing the flag to its modern form.

Flag of the ROC

In 1911, the "Blue Sky with a White Sun" Flag became the navy flag of the new Republic of China in Nanjing, with the national flag being a five-horizontal stripped one, the Five-coloured Flag (五色旗) (a popular choice supported by the Senate), that represents the five nationalities of China with the longest history: Red (the Han), yellow (the Manchus), blue (the Mongols), white (the Hui), and black (the Tibetan). Sun Yat-sen, however, did not consider the five-coloured flag appropriate, offering the explanation that horizontal order implies a hierarchy or class, like those existed in the Empire.

In 1913, as Yuan Shikai overtook China, Sun Yat-sen moved the nominal government to Tokyo and employed the modern flag as the national ROC flag. But even after the ROC was re-established on the Mainland in 1928, and the modern flag was made official in December 17, the Five-coloured Flag was continued to be still used commonly by the locals in unofficial capacity.

During World War II, the flag was used both by the Nationalist government in Chongqing under Chiang Kai-shek and the Japanese-sponsored collaborationist government in Nanjing under Wang Jingwei.

In October 23, 1954, the Law of the National Emblem and National Flag of the Republic of China (「中華民國國徽國旗法」) was promuglated to specify the size, measure, ratio, production, and management of the flag. The gist, and the details of flag making, described in this legal document is taught in the mandatory scout classes in Taiwanese junior high schools.


In the "Blue Sky with a White Sun" Flag by Lu Hao-tung, the twelve rays of the white sun symbolize the twelve months and the twelve traditional Chinese hours (時辰 shíchen), each of which correspond to two modern hours (小時 xĭaoshí, literal meaning: "little shi").

The "Red Earth" of Sun Yat-sen signifies the blood of those revolutionaries who sacrificed themselves in order to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and create the Republic of China, including that of Lu Hao-tung.

Together, the three colours of flag correspond to the Three Principles of the People:


The use of the flag is somewhat political signficant and controversial on Taiwan itself. Because it was formerly used as the flag of all China, it has an association with the ideology of Chinese nationalism and Chinese reunification. In addition, the fact that the flag is derived from the seal of the Kuomintang is also quite controversial.

One major concession that the Democratic Progressive Party and the Chen Shui-bian has made in order to demonstrate that it has moderated its position on Taiwan independence is to use the flag on state occasions. However, the ROC flag and its colors is almost never seen in political rallies of the Democratic Progressive Party while it is usually given great prominence in political rallies of the Kuomintang and the Pan-Blue Coalition and in fact that party color associated with Chinese reunification comes from the color of the field of the flag.

Hoisting and lowering the flag is accompanied by The Flag Song.

zh-cn:中华民国国旗 zh-tw:中華民國國旗