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Gdansk Voivodship

Gdansk Voivodship (1) was a unit of administrative division and local government in Poland in years 1975-1998, superseded by Pomeranian Voivodship.

Capital city: Gdansk
Statistics (1 January 1992):
Area: 7.400
Population: 1.431.600 inhabitants
Population density: 194 inhabitants/
Administrative division: 47 communes
Number of cities and towns (urban communes): 20

Major cities and towns (population 1995):

Other towns (population 1980):

Gdansk Voivodship (2) was a unit of administrative division and local government in Poland in years 1945-1975, superseded by the voivodships of Gdansk (1), Elblag and Slupsk (area of Lebork).

Capital city: Gdansk

List of counties in 1946-1975
English county name, Polish county name, capital city

New counties established 1946-1975:
See also: Voivodships of Poland