Gebhard Leberecht von Bl�cher
Gebhard Leberecht von Bl�cher (December 16, 1742 - September 12, 1819), prince of Wahlstatt, was a Prussian general who led his army against Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
- 1760: Pomeranian Campaign (as Swedish soldier; captured by Prussia; changed sides)
- Seven Years' War
- 1787: Expedition to Holland with Red Hussars
- 1793-1794: French campaigns with Red Hussars
- 1806: Auerstedt, Pomerania, Berlin, K�nigsberg
- 1813: L�tzen, Bautzen, Katzbach, Mockern, Leipzig
- 1814: Brienne, La Rothi�re, Champaubert, Vauxchamps, Montmirail, Laon, Montmartre
- 1815: Lower Rhine (Ligny), Waterloo