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G�taland, or "Geatland", is a historical land of Sweden, and was a separate kingdom, before Sweden was unified. Geographically it is located in the south of Sweden, bounded to the north by Svealand. The inhabitants were called Geats, or G�tar. Deep woods constitute the borders to Svealand in the North like to Danish Terra Scania in the South.


G�taland is made up of the following ten provinces:


Westrogothia and Ostrogothia, once rival kingdoms themselves, constitutes G�taland proper. The small countries to the south of Finnveden, Kind, M�re, Njudung, Tjust, Tveta, V�rend, Ydre where merged into the province of Smalandia. Off the coast of Sm�land was the island of �land, which became its own province. Dal to the north west became the province of Dalia. Smalandia, Oelandia and Dalia were early on seen as lands belonging to G�taland.

In the Treaty of Roskilde (1658), the Danish kingdom ceded Terra Scania and Bahusia to Sweden. Sk�neland, which had constituted the eastern part of Denmark, became the Swedish provinces of Scania, Hallandia and Blechingia. The new provinces are also seen as belonging to G�taland.

The island of Gotland shifted hands between Sweden and Denmark several times. Although the island may be percieved to have closer links to Svealand, it's actually counted to G�taland.

In the early 19th century the province of Wermelandia did for a time belong to the Court of Appeal for Svealand. Even though V�rmland historically was a part of G�taland, it is now by custom counted to Svealand.

See also: Norrland, Lands of Sweden, Provinces of Sweden, G�taland theory