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Gordon Setter

Gordon Setter
Country of origin
United Kingdom
FCI:Group 7 Section 2
ANKC:Group 3 (Gundogs)
CKC:Group 1 - Sporting Dogs
Breed standards (external links)

Gordon Setters are large dogs related to the more common Irish Setters and English Setters. Physically and behaviourly these three breeds are similar. Gordon setters are black with tan features on their feet and near their eyes. (Irish setters are red and English setters are grey).

Setters are often said to be "stupid". In reality however they are very intelligent in being able to figure out how to get out of enclosures and the like. The perception of "Stupidity" probably relates to their fairly contemptuous attitude towards conventional dog "obedience". Gordon Setters are intensely loyal to their owner and tend to be one person dogs.

They are usually quite passive and seem happy lying around sleeping all day. However at other times they are frisky and in the country side seem to be able to run for hours. They are shy and may sometimes snap at people who irritate them and occasionally they will snap at strangers who intrude too much into their territory.

They seem to live about 10-12 years.