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Green Jay

Green Jay

Scientific classification
Binomial name
Cyanocorax yncas
The Green Jay (Cyanocorax yncas) is a beautiful species yet quite variable having distinct regional forms as it covers a large distribution area from southern Texas south into Mexico and Central America and down into Colombia and Venezuela.

The front of the face has especially large nasal bristles that form a distinct crest in some of these forms though less developed in others. There is a black bib which forms a thick band up to the sides of the head as well as a stripe through the eye line and one above it. The top of the head, cheeks and nape are a yellowish-white with blue tips to these feathers though some forms have more blue than others. The breast and underparts are bright yellow that fades to cream in worn plumage. The upper parts of the bird are a rich green.

It feeds on a wide range of insects and other invertebrates including acorns and various cereal grains. Ebony seeds are taken where their ranges meet and the same can be said for any oak species as this Jay will readily store their acorns for hard times. Meat and human scraps are also taken when opportunity arises.

The nest is usually in a tree or thorny bush or thicket and the bird lays 3-5 eggs. Only the female incubates but both parents take care of the young.

As with most of the typical jays, the voice repetoire is very extensive. The birds most common call appears to be a rassh-rassh-rassh sound as well as many other unusual notes. One of the most distinctive is a sound like an alarm bell!

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