Other contemporaneous echinoderms are known to have existed from their dissociated plates, but other than a few possible edrioasteroids, helicoplacus is the earliest echinoderm that is well enough preserved to analyze its characteristics. One much earlier form called Arkarua has been hypothecated as an ancestoral echinoderm because of its five fold symmetry. But Arkarua appears to lack both stereoms and a mouth. Helicoplacoids seem to have lasted for about 15 million years in the Lower Cambrian.
Helicoplacoids are thought to have been suspension feeders living at moderate depths in highly oxygenated water with strong enough currents to ensure a steady food supply. They are typically found in greenish shales and are rarely found in shallow water sandstones and limestones.
Note that the spelling helicoplacus is correct, while helioplacus is a common misspelling.
One species is Helicoplacus guthi Durham 1993 from the White Mountains of California
Pictures of 'Helicoplacus' can be found at http://www.usna.edu/Users/oceano/pguth/website/pl00001.htm and http://astrobiology.ucla.edu/ESS116/L14/L14.html