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Hungarian cuisine

Also Magyar cuisine.

Hungarian cuisine received many influences from the nomadic ancestors of the Magyars, the Transylvanian Vlachs, and neighboring Slavic peoples. However, like its music, Hungary has won much acclaim for its unique culinary culture.

Hungarian food is often spicy, using paprika, black pepper, and onions. Some of the "hot" paprika or red peppers are only for the bravest. Main dishes often contain potatoes. However, Hungarians are passionate about their soups, desserts, stuffed pancakes and cakes.

Typical Hungarian dishes

Some of Hungary's finest cuisine can be enjoyed in famous Budapest restaurant Gundel (which is possibly the most expensive place in the whole country to do that). Otherwise, wear loose clothing, give yourself plenty of time, hang out in any wine bar, pub or scruffy restaurant and tuck in.

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