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Identifiers (IDs) are used in computer science, data processing, and general telecommunications; the concept is analogous to that of a "name".

Table of contents
1 Computer Science
2 Telecommunications and Data Processing
3 References

Computer Science

In computer science, an identifier is a string of bits (or characters) which name an entity, such as a program, device, or system; in order that other entities can "call" that entity. In programming languages, identifiers are lexical units which name a language object, such as a variable, array, record, label, or procedure.

Identifiers are placed within labels. Labeles are attached to, or are part of, or remain associated with, the information identified. If a label becomes disassociated from its information, the information may not be accessible.

In C++, identifiers may be composed of letters, digits. and underscore characters; identifiers may not begin with a digit. Identifiers which are reserved for core language usage; are known as "keywords".

Telecommunications and Data Processing

In telecommunications and
data processing systems, an identifier is one (or more) characters used to identify the name, or characterize the nature of properties (or contents) of a set of data elements.
