Inverse typically means the opposite of something.
- Antonym - A word with the opposite meaning.
- Inverse chain rule method - Related to integration and differentiation.
- Inverse element - an element x−1 so that x * x−1 = x−1 * x = e, where * is some binary operation and e is the identity element.
- Inverse function - in mathematics, a function that "reverses" the action of a given function.
- Inverse gamblers fallacy - It says that if something improbable happens now, probable events must have happened in the past or the future. This is false.
- Inverse kinematic animation (IKA) - In computer animation, start animating from the end and go backwards for some tasks.
- Inverse limit - A notion in abstract algebra.
- Inverse (logic) - ~p → ~q is the inverse of p → q
- Inverse matrix - inverse element with respect to matrix multiplication.
- Inverse multiplexer - Splits a signal into several signals, opposite of a multiplexer.
- Inverse (music) - Oppositional direction of voice movement.
- Inverse problem - The task of identifying model parameters from observed data. See, e.g., Inverse scattering, "inverse kinematics", "inverse dynamics".
- Inverse perspective - Also Byzantine perspective: the further the objects, the larger they are drawn.
- Inverse scattering - The problem to determine object's shape/properties from measurements of scattered radiation/particles.
- Inverse-square law - The magnitude of a force is proportional to the inverse square of the distance.
- Inverse transform sampling method - Generate some random numbers according to a given probability distribution.