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Binomial name Herpailurus yaguarondi
The Jaguarundi (Herpailurus yaguarondi) is a medium-sized Central and South American wild cat: length 30 inches with 20 inches of tail. It has short legs and an appearance somewhat like an otter; the ears are short and rounded. The fur is a uniform chestnut brown, but can range from grey to dark brown. Their coats have no markings except for spots at birth.
These cats are more closely related to puma and jaguar than smaller species of cats as evident by their similar genetic structure and chromosome count.
Habitat is comprised of a lowland brush area close to a running water source where they have been known to fish successfully from streams and rivers. They will occasionally inhabit dense tropical areas as well. They are known to be crepuscular and nocturnal depending on location. These cats are comfortable in trees, but prefer to hunt on the ground. They prey upon fish, small mammals, reptiles and birds.
The litter consists of one to four kittens. They are raised socially after a 70 day gestation. The kittens become mature at approximately 2 years of age.
These cats are not particularly sought after for their fur, but they are suffering decline and extinction due to loss of habitat.