James Inglis (Anderson) Hamilton
James Inglis (Anderson) Hamilton (
1815) was a Colonel in the
British Army killed at the
Battle of Waterloo.
He was born as Jamie Anderson on
July 4, 1777 at a camp of the
Saratoga Campaign in
New York.
His father, John Anderson, was Sergeant-Major of the 21st Foot, and died in the
Battle of Saratoga.
Brigadier General
James Inglis Hamilton adopted him and returned with him to
Scotland when finally released.
1792 his adopted father purchased a cornet's commission for him.
He inherited his adopted father's estate of Murdostoun, Scotland in
By the time of Waterloo he was a Lt. Colonel, commanding the Scots Greys.
While leading a charge on horseback, he lost his left arm.
He put the reins in his mouth and continued the charge, even after his right arm was severed by a French lancer.
Moments later he was shot and killed.