Japanese translation note
In this encyclopedia, following Japaneses terms are translated to English in such a way below.
(in no particular order)
- 幕藩体制 - shogunate and domain system
- 老中 - senior councilors
- 若年寄 - junior councilors
- 町奉行 - commissioners of major cities
- 勘定奉行 - commissioners of finance
- 大目付 - inspectors general
- 浮世絵 - ukiyoe wood block printing
- 俳句 - haiku poems
- 読み書きそろばん - the three R's
- 鎖国政策 - seclusion policy (isolation policy)
- 国もと - province
- 人質 - hostage
- 譜代 - family's vassals
- 外様 - outside daimyo
- 親藩 - the Tokugawa family
- 士農工商 - warriors/farmers/artisans/tradesmen
- 石高 - Rice crop
- 関が原の戦い - the battle of Sekigahara
- 明治維新 - the Meiji Restoration
- 贈り名 - posthumous name
- 文化勲章 - a Cultural Medal
- 国務大臣 - the Ministers of State
- 政令 - order
- 華族 - the nobility
- 八幡製鉄所 - Yawata Steel Works
- 関東大震災 - Great Kanto Earthquake
- 治安維持法 - Peace Preservation Law
- 満州事変 - Manchurian Incident
- 摂政 - regency (摂政 Regent)
- 藤原氏 - Fuiwara clan
- 雛人形 - hina dolls
- 浄土宗 - the Pure Land sect
- 郡 - district
- 青色申告 - blue tax return
- 青色事業専従者 - dependents of a taxpayer submitting a blue tax return
- 赤字原因 - cause of deficit
- 赤字鉄道路線 - deficit-ridden railway line
- 赤字国債 - a national deficit loan
- 赤字財政 - deficit finance
- 赤字団体 - local governments with financial deficit
- 赤字公債 - deficit bond; deficit-covering national bond
- 赤字バス路線 - deficit-ridden bus route
- 赤字予算 - deficit budget
- 赤字路線 - deficit-ridden transport line
- 明るく正しい選挙の推進 - promotion of fair election
- 悪臭対策 - preventive measures against unpleasant odors
- アクセス道路 - access road
- 字 - aza; village or town section in the Japanese addressing system(H)
- 圧縮記帳 - advanced depreciation
- 斡旋 - conciliation; arbitration; negotiation
- 圧力団体 - pressure group; Special interest group
- 奄美群島振興開発事業 - Amami Islands Development Project
- 安全衛生管理者 - safety and sanitation manager
- 安全管理 - safety control; safety management
- 安全厚生推進室 - Safety and Health office
- アンダーパー発行 - issue at under par value
- 安全地帯 - safety zone; safety island; traffic island
- 委員会制度 - committee system
- 育英資金 - student awards; student grants;(scholarship: fellowship)
- 育児休業手当金 - childcare non-work allowance
- 育児休業法 - Law for the Right to Take Leave from Post for Infant Rearing
- 違憲立法審査権 - judicial review of legislative constitutionality
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