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Jean Victoire Audouin

Jean Victoire Audouin (April 27, 1797 - November 9, 1841) was a French naturalist.

Audouin was born in Paris and studied medicine. In 1824 he was appointed assistant to Pierre André Latreille as Professor of Entomology at the Paris museum of natural history, and succeeded him in 1833. In 1838 he became a member of the French Academy of Sciences.

His principal work, Histoire des insectes nuisibles à la vigne (1842), was completed after his death by Henri Milne-Edwards and Emile Blanchard. His papers mostly appeared in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, which, with A. T. Brongniart ad J. B. A. Dumas, he founded in 1824, and in the proceedings of the Societie Entomologique de France, of which he was one of the founders in 1832.


This article is taken from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica