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Jonathan Zenneck

Jonathan A. Zenneck (April 15, 1871 - April 8, 1959) was a physicist and electrical engineer. Zenneck was born in Ruppertshofen, W�rttemberg. Zenneck contributed to researches in radio circuit performance and to the scientific and educational contributions to the literature of the pioneer radio art. Zenneck improved the braun vacuum tube. Zenneck added deflector coils. It allowed the direct reception of signals.

Table of contents
1 Early years
2 Middle years
3 Later years

Early years

In 1885, Zenneck entered the Evangelical-Theological Seminary in Maulbronn. In 1887, in a Blaubeuren seminary, Zenneck learned Latin, Greek, French, and Hebrew. In 1889, Zenneck enrolled in the T�bingen University. At the Tuebingen Seminary, Zenneck studied mathematics and natural sciences. In 1894, Zenneck took the State examination in mathematics and natural sciences and the examination for his doctor's degree.

In 1894, Zenneck conducted zoological research (Natural History Museum, London). Between 1894-1895, Zenneck served in the military.

Middle years

Between 1895 to 1905, Zenneck was assistant to Braun and lecturer at the Physikalischen Institute in Strassburg, Alsace. Zenneck worked as assistant of Ferdinand Braun.

Nikola Tesla lectures introduced the wireless sciences to Zenneck. In 1899, Zenneck entered wireless telegraphy. In 1900, Jonathan Zenneck experiments in Cuxhaven, Germany between the various radio systems and, in 1902, conducts tests of directed antenna. In 1905, Zenneck was appointed assistant professor at the Danzig Technical High School.

In 1906, Zenneck was appointed professor of experimental physics in the Braunschweig Technische Hochschule. Also in 1906, Zenneck wrote "Electromagnetic Oscillations and Wireless Telegraphy" (standard textbook on the subject). In 1909, Zenneck joined Badische Anilin und Sodafabrik to experiment on nitrogen.

Later years

Around World War I, Zenneck went to the front as a Captain in the Marines. In 1914, Zenneck was sent to the United States as technical advisor. In 1919, Zenneck resume the professorship of experimental physics at the Technische Hochschule in Munich. Zenneck was awarded the 1928 IRE Medal of Honor.